The colposcopy was not as painful as I anticipated, but it was a lot messier! Results in about two weeks.
A couple of months ago, with the help and support of someone very dear to me, I became, for the first time in about 10 years, entirely debt-free. Of course, there should be high-fives and abundant celebratory toasts at this momentous occasion. But instead of being at peace, and revelling in my new found financial freedom, I seem to have become downright terrified of spending money. I can only compare this to the phenomenon that many amputees claim to have experienced, a sensation that the missing limb is actually still there! I still feel the weight of the appendage that I carried for over a decade. In fact, I've found myself checking my credit-card balance several times a week, each time believing that my burden would suddenly re-appear, and each time finding the balance at zero, and each time being strangely disappointed that there was no balance due. And I've taken to wringing my hands in anxiety over the 'extra' money in my bank account at the end of the month. Was...
Good Luck and here's too good news that I know you will get in 2 weeks
I actually started crying while I was waiting for the colposcopy procedure, and the nurse looked at me like I was from outer space. She said that there are many patients who've done this multiple times, and it's not something to panic about. Easy for HER to say!!
Oh dang it this word verification. I swear it's a nasty trick. Some of these letters are down right illegilble.
I'm just hoping the biopsy results don't show anything serious. At this point, I'm beginning to feel more angry than afraid. I was looking forward to a happy-go-lucky summer and now THIS happens!
As we Trinis say "Steuuuups!"
(turned out to be fibroadenoma) BUT the man just disregarded my panic after finding a lump in my breast :S
Have faith and think positive; you will be enjoying summer in no time.