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Dinner : Whole Wheat Pasta with White Beans, Zucchini and Yellow Squash

Add whole wheat pasta to boiling salted water and cook according to package instructions.  While pasta is cooking, sautee a few minced cloves of garlic in some olive oil, add a sliced zucchini and a sliced yellow squash and the zest of a lemon.  When the vegetables begin to soften, add 1/2 small can of white beans (rinsed and drained).  Puree the other 1/2 can of rinsed beans with the juice of the lemon, a few leaves of basil, olive oil and water to a creamy consistency.

Add the puree to the vegetables, season with salt and pepper and cook until heated through.

Toss with cooked pasta and top with grated parmesan cheese.


Laura-Ann said…
Nah, yuh bad now. I am a pasta lover and this dish seems quite easy to make and healthy too.
Test said…
It's super easy and healthy. I really like to use pureed white beans as a base for pasta sauces and as a dressing for veggies. If you add the right amount of water and/or olive oil, it can easily mimic cream with a fraction of the calories and fat.

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