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cinema under the stars (and a really big moon)

,,and if Tropfest NY isn't enough for you, here's a supermoon to push things over the top!

Whenever I hear the phrase 'film festival', my mind is filled with thoughts of highly intellectual and esoteric cinema that can only be appreciated by people who use the word 'cinema' on a regular basis.  But my personal movie preference leans toward presentations that involve any combination of gunfire, aliens, explosions and shirtless heartthrobs. So when I registered to attend the free Tropfest NY short film festival it was only due in part to my curiosity about the actual films. My main incentive was the opportunity to see Liev Schreiber (this year's host) in the flesh.

With low expectations, and a burning desire to take advantage of a rare sunny day, I packed up a little picnic and headed to Prospect Park with my sweetie to check out some film (and Liev Schreiber).

Because I had an early-morning commitment, we were only able to stay for the first eight films (there were sixteen finalists in all) but I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed every single one we saw.  They were funny, poignant, clever and highly entertaining, even without explosions and heartthrobs and stuff. I'm definitely adding this one to my annual summer 'must do' list and if Tropfest ever comes to a location near you, I strongly urge you to do the same.

I wonder if next year's host will be as cute as Liev Schreiber...


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