Having lived in Park Slope for close to 25 years, it's an understatement to say that I've seen a lot of changes in the area. In my opinion, the vast majority of them have been for the better, but I think the pendulum is swinging so far to the other extreme that the neighborhood is becoming completely devoid of individuality.
In the Times today, Sean came across the story of this amazing artist, who captures (in perfect, miniaturized detail) some of the spirit of a rapidly disappearing New York. And I was deeply moved to see among his works, a reproduction of a run-down coffee shop, where we spent many a hung-over weekend morning, reading the New York Post, chatting with the owner, Chris, and trading barbs with the waitress.
It has long since been replaced by the expansion/upgrade of a nearby supermarket. To be honest, the supermarket, while larger, cleaner and more modern, does have a quirkiness of its own. But we still sorely miss this little shop, which we stubbornly referred to, between ourselves, as "Coffee Donut" and reminisce about it quite frequently. I even see the waitress (whose name I never learned) shopping in the supermarket every now and then. We believe Chris may have moved back to his native Greece, but we never inquired.
"Coffee Donut', gone but not forgotten.