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dinner : shrimp, spinach and tomato omelette

This one came together in a rather odd way.  My intention was to put the spinach, shrimp and tomatoes into the omelette.  But as I was peeling the shrimp, I was thinking it would be a shame to waste the flavor in those shells, so after I cooked the shrimp in a bit of olive oil and some spices, I set them aside and added the shells to the same pan, with some water (wine would have been better but I didn't have a white on hand).  Once the shells had cooked for a few minutes, I removed them from the broth and added a couple handfuls of halved cherry tomatoes.  I cooked those down, adding more water when the mixture dried out, until they began to fall apart and make a light sauce.  Then I cleaned the pan, and sauteed the spinach with some minced garlic and red pepper flakes. 

Spinach and shrimp, waiting to be enveloped in eggy goodness.
 Serving the sauce on top turned out to be a nice touch, and it came in quite handy as camouflage in the spots where I tore the egg (like I always do).  My omelettes are not the prettiest you've ever seen, but they sure are tasty!

Side note: My beverage for the evening was Hoegaarden wheat beer, with a wedge of lemon.  Perfection!


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