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There's a little chunk of me floating around in a test tube somewhere..

The colposcopy was not as painful as I anticipated, but it was a lot messier! Results in about two weeks.


Atasha said…
Not to get too personal here but I had abnormal results once and cryosurgery was done. I find it funny how calm my doctor told me the news. While it may be so normal for them dealing with these things daily, weekly or whatever, I was in absolute panic... I was thinking...oh lord...cancer.

Good Luck and here's too good news that I know you will get in 2 weeks
Test said…
Atasha, that's the same way I feel. My doctor sees this kind of thing every day, but I've had over 20 years of normal pap-smear results before this, so an abnormal result hit me like a ton of bricks!

I actually started crying while I was waiting for the colposcopy procedure, and the nurse looked at me like I was from outer space. She said that there are many patients who've done this multiple times, and it's not something to panic about. Easy for HER to say!!
Atasha said…
You know some doctors are just like that and I've had a few. My current doctor is very different. She's more caring and not "all business" so to speak. I had some issues when I gave birth to my daughter and she was so darn understanding and didn't brush it off like "I deal with this everyday" so get a grip.
Oh dang it this word verification. I swear it's a nasty trick. Some of these letters are down right illegilble.
Anonymous said…
Well I just got back from the doctor a few minutes ago, and he was much more sympathetic this time around. I had a scare this morning with some heavy bleeding, but he checked me out and everything looks ok, just some debris taking it's sweet time to leave my system.

I'm just hoping the biopsy results don't show anything serious. At this point, I'm beginning to feel more angry than afraid. I was looking forward to a happy-go-lucky summer and now THIS happens!

As we Trinis say "Steuuuups!"
Some doctors are extremely flippant eh!Reminds me of a doctor who told me I was too young to have cancer
(turned out to be fibroadenoma) BUT the man just disregarded my panic after finding a lump in my breast :S

Have faith and think positive; you will be enjoying summer in no time.

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